Meg Zimbeck, founder of Paris by Mouth, leading a food tour

About Us

Paris by Mouth started as a website in 2010 with the goal of helping ourselves - a gang of local food lovers - find delicious things to eat. Our audience grew and we started offering food and wine tours. Thanks to thousands of rave reviews from happy customers, these tours are now the #1 Paris tour activity on TripAdvisor.

Learn more about our food tours

We’re continuing to offer restaurant advice, too. Since the pandemic, we’ve been carefully revisiting old favorites and discovering new spots to learn what’s changed about the Paris dining scene. We’re now publishing all new Restaurant Reviews and Paris Favorites in this newsletter.

About Our Newsletter

We visit restaurants anonymously and pay full price, declining the freebies and press visits that inform a lot of food writing today. Your subscription helps to subsidize our research and the restaurants we visit (merci).

As a paid subscriber, you’ll have access to the full archive of Restaurant Reviews and our full collection of Paris Favorites. You’ll be able to leave comments on our posts, including Ask the Mouth, to pose questions and engage with other Paris food lovers.

A one-year subscription is $40. We also offer a monthly subscription option at $15 for those who only need to consult our archives for a short time while planning an upcoming trip. If you subscribe for the monthly subscription, it will continue to auto-renew until you unsubscribe. You can unsubscribe easily at the bottom of any email, or follow the steps outlined here.

You can also sign up as a free subscriber to read occasional news posts and the most recent Restaurant Reviews (less than a month old). We’ll also share some of our Paris Favorites with free subscribers.

And if you need to unsubscribe or have questions about your complimentary subscription after booking a tour, read this article.

Thanks for your support and bon appétit!

-Meg Zimbeck & the many mouths of PbM

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The inside track from Paris by Mouth. Everything you need to know about where to eat in Paris.


I'm the creator of Paris by Mouth, which helps people discover delicious things in Paris through our newsletter (restaurant reviews + other food content) and with our small group food tours. More about those at
A storyteller, globetrotter, and butterbeliever. Writing & cooking with an accent. // Contadora de histórias de comer, viajante, e amante de manteiga. Sempre cozinhando com sotaque brasileiro.
Pronounced, "A scoff." American wine writer, based in Paris. Author of NOT DRINKING POISON, a newsletter about natural wine, and THE WORLD OF NATURAL WINE (Artisan Books, 2022).